Zeboc Blogs

We are happy and excited to introduce ZEBOC Care Anywhere – a telemedicine solution for small practices. There are a myriad of telehealth platforms available in the market, why do we need another one? If you have this question in mind, you are on the right page.

Why another Telemedicine Solution?

According to the 2011 to 2018 AHA Annual Survey IT Supplement, percent of hospitals implementing telehealth solutions have grown rapidly over the years. This has led to the rise of existing telehealth solutions targeted at the needs of hospitals and large medical networks. Covid-19 and other existing digital pressures have forced primary care providers to integrate those enterprise-grade telemedicine solutions in their practice.

While well-intentioned, these systems posed technological hurdles and contributed to the burnout of solo practitioners, resulting in practice closures. According to The Physicians Foundation’s 2018 Survey of America’s Physicians, the declining number of primary physicians is likely to contribute to the physician shortage making patient access to physicians still more difficult.

As is usual in medicine, there was a gap in the market caused by small practices underserved by a space full of enterprise solutions.

Before we move on to discuss how ZEBOC Care Anywhere solves the problems of solo practitioners and polyclinics, let’s take a quick glance at the potential reasons why this is left behind the curve.

Barriers to Telemedicine Adoption among Solo Practitioners

  • Enterprise systems are non-intuitive and implementation is difficult
  • Most of the telehealth systems are expensive
  • Most of the solo practitioners haven’t digitalized their entire practice
  • They have to pay to try premium features and infrequent use means that each session is expensive.
  • The great cost of developing this also typically means long sales cycles and sluggish support leaving doctors and patients holding the bag.

Mind the Gap: The Why of ZEBOC Care Anywhere

Something had to be done.

Telemedicine and enterprise-class digital transformation solutions crowded a space that was begging for solutions that had features specifically designed around the needs of small practices.

Let’s have a look at the issues of current systems and how we tried to solve them in the table below:

Table: Bridging the Digital Divide with ZEBOC Care Anywhere

Issues of Current Systems ZEBOC
Non-intuitive systems: Current systems are designed for enterprise so they’re not easy to use or get started. 
  1. One-click appointment: You can send a link to your patient via an email or SMS and get started with teleconsulting.
  2. Easy registration: You can get started within 30 seconds!
Small Practices are priced out: The existing telehealth systems have too many features and are hence expensive. Free with no subscription fees: To empower small practices and polyclinics, we have opted for a free business model.
Restrict features for ‘low-tier’ users: Free versions of current telemedicine solutions restrict premium features. Thus, it raises the total cost of ownership by insisting low-tier users to upgrade to monthly subscriptions for using those features such as online payment. Everyone’s a premium user: We believe that cost should not be a barrier to providing quality care. Therefore, we offer all teleconsulting features for free. We make money from online transactions i.e., less than one percent only, when your patient pays you online using integrated Stripe payments.
Taxing administrative tasks: Survey reports reveal that 23% of doctor’s time is spent on non-clinical paperwork. 76% of doctors strongly agree that the widespread use of telemedicine will not continue if administrative burdens are put back in place. Automated transcription: To help with the EHR problem, we’ve implemented automatic transcription services, so your patient isn’t sharing your attention with a screen.
You’re the product for many free solutions: There are many free telemedicine solutions in the market which aggregates your data and sell them to make money You’re not the product: Our solution is HIPAA-compliant and we’re not data aggregators. We don’t sell your data or your patients’ data. We make money via online transactions.


Summing up

We believe that ZEBOC Care Anywhere would help solve the issues of physicians and enable anyone, anywhere to reap the benefits of 21st Century healthcare. 

Data reveals that managing chronic diseases would create the strongest demand on the healthcare system and we believe that telemedicine solutions would equip doctors to better manage chronic conditions.

Besides, PwC’s Health Research Institute (HRI) also suggests that forecasts of looming physician shortages are based on outdated care delivery models. Therefore, we believe that a telemedicine solution for small practices can help reinvent primary care and solve the looming physician shortage issue. 

Register and get started with your teleconsulting practice now!